UPSC APFC Syllabus & Exam Patten 2025

    UPSC EPFO APFC Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2025

    The UPSC APFC exam notification will be announced shortly. Therefore, it is crucial to get in touch with all the relevant details with respect to the EPFO APFC exam pattern that will help you in the preparation process. The EPFO APFC exam pattern will consist of two phases: Recruitment Test & Interview.

    Just knowing the EPFO APFC exam pattern is not sufficient. Another important aspect of exam preparation is knowing the UPSC EPFO APFC syllabus. Before you start with your preparation, it will be highly beneficial for you to take note of the UPSC APFC exam syllabus. The UPSC EPFO APFC recruitment will contain all the essential details regarding the EPFO APFC exam pattern and details. Therefore, it is essential that you go through the entire EPFO APFC notification before you begin your exam preparation.

    UPSC EPFO APFC Recruitment Test Exam Pattern

    The EPFO APFC Recruitment Test is the first step in the UPSC EPFO APFC recruitment process. The Recruitment Test (RT) will be an offline exam (pen and paper-based) with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). You will get a total of two hours to attempt the UPSC EPFO APFC exam. The expected EPFO APFC exam pattern 2025 is given in the table below.

    Exam TypeMarksTime Duration
    Objective Type All questions will carry equal marks. 2 Hours
    Interview - 100 Marks

    UPSC EPFO APFC Syllabus

    The first level of the selection process, i.e Recruitment Test, will contain questions from various topics/subjects. Thus, you should first know what you actually need to cover with respect to each of the subjects. Also, you can refer to BeePedia to prepare for the General Awareness section. Have a look at the expected EPFO APFC syllabus 2025 below.

    • General English- To evaluate a candidate’s understanding of English language & workman–like use of words.
    • Indian Culture, Heritage & Freedom Movements & Current Events
    • Population, Development and Globalization
    • Governance and Constitution of India
    • Present Trends in Indian Economy
    • Accounting and Auditing, Industrial Relations, Labour Laws, Insurance
    • Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications, General Science
    • Elementary Mathematics, Statistics and General Mental Ability.
    • Social Security in India.

    UPSC EPFO APFC Interview

    The second and final stage of the UPSC EPFO APFC selection process is the Interview. The candidates who will qualify the EPFO APFC Recruitment Test will be called for the Interview and document verification. Furthermore, the UPSC EPFO APFC Interview will carry a total of 100 marks.

    The final merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the Recruitment Test and Interview. The weightage of the Recruitment Test and the Interview is 75:25.

    UPSC EPFO APFC Marking Scheme

    The UPSC has set a fixed marking scheme for the UPSC EPFO APFC Recruitment Test. For every wrong answer, a fraction of the marks allotted to a particular question will be deducted. Furthermore, there will be no penalty for unanswered questions. The detailed marking scheme is given in the table below.

    Union Public Service Commission (APFC) Marking Scheme

    Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For wrong answers 1/3rd marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    UPSC EPFO APFC Important Books

    EPFO APFC is one of the most important posts released by UPSC. It is a golden opportunity for those aspiring to get a government job. To ensure success, you need to get hold of the best books as they are the most important aspect of APFC exam preparation. It is always important to ensure that you have the best study material in the form of notes and books to prepare. We have listed down a few best books for preparation for the UPSC Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner exam.

    General English English Grammar Wren & Martin
    Made Easy for English Norman Lewis
    Objective General English SP Bakshi
    General Studies Ancient History NCERT
    Medieval History Satish Chandra
    History of Modern India Bipin Chandra
    Indian Art and Culture Nitin Singhania
    The Politics of India since Independence Paul R. Brass / Cambridge University Press
    Indian Polity M. Laxmikanth
    Indian Economy NCERT
    Indian Economy for Civil Services Ramesh Singh
    General Science NCERT
    Accounting and Auditing NCERT
    Introduction To Accountancy T.S. Grewal
    Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, 6th Edition S. C. Srivastava

    UPSC EPFO APFC Free Mock Test

    To gear up for your preparation, you need a lot of practice. ixamBee is here to give you the proper guidance and prepare you for the best. Practice the UPSC APFC EPFO mock test as much as you can so that you are familiar with every changing pattern of the exam. EPFO APFC free mock tests will help you gain an edge over your competitors and come out with flying colours on the final day. UPSC APFC online mock test will not only improve your calculation speed but also at the same time give you a real-time exam-like feel so that you can outshine others.

    UPSC EPFO APFC Online Course

    To supplement your UPSC EPFO APFC exam preparation, you can also take the help of ixamBee’s UPSC EPFO APFC & EO/AO Online Course. Our expert faculty have designed this course after extensive research and analysis of the UPSC EPFO APFC exam pattern, syllabus and the UPSC EPFO APFC previous year question papers. Therefore, the UPSC EPFO APFC & EO/AO Online Course will be your one-stop solution for all your preparation requirements.

    Upsc Epfo Apfc Exam Syllabus FAQs

    The questions in the General Studies section can be from various subjects such as Quantitative Ability, Reasoning, General Knowledge, Economics, Statistics, etc.
    Yes. Apart from General Awareness books available offline, there are a number of options available online to prepare. You can also refer to the Beepedia available at ixamBee. To make it more accessible for you, Beepedia is also available in Hindi.
    We have provided a complete list of books for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam on our syllabus page. You can refer to that for more information regarding the UPSC EPFO APFC syllabus.
    In the UPSC EPFO APFC exam, you will be assessed on the basis of English Language and General Studies.
    For General Awareness, you can take the help of ixamBee’s BeePedia. It is a comprehensive capsule which contains all the important information with respect to the General Awareness section for various competitive exams. It is available in Hindi and English. What’s more? It’s absolutely free.
    Yes, definitely. You can practice the UPSC EPFO APFC free online mock tests at ixamBee. Moreover, the UPSC EPFO APFC online test series is based on the latest UPSC EPFO APFC exam pattern.

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