UPSC EPFO EO/AO Salary 2025

    Salary is one of the most important components that attracts candidates towards government jobs. Upon selection as an UPSC EPFO EO/AO Officer, you will not only get a handsome salary but you will also be entitled to receive certain perks and allowances. The EPFO EO/AO post is a permanent Group-B non-ministerial position. Furthermore, the headquarters of EPFO are in New Delhi, and the selected Officers are liable to be posted anywhere in India. 

    UPSC offers handsome salary to the candidates shortlisted for the officers posts. The Payscale of EPFO Officer is at Level 8 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. This will imply that the salary range will be Rs 43,600 to 55,200. The Payscale thus becomes Rs 9300-34800. UPSC also offers other allowances and benefits to the candidates selected.

    The UPSC EPFO EO/AO salary 2025 details are mentioned below.

    Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer Level 08 in Pay Matrix as per 7th Pay Comission

    UPSC EPFO EO/AO Job Profile

    As an EPFO EO/AO, you will be required to perform the following duties and responsibilities-

    • To look after the work of enforcement, recovery, accounts, administration, cash, legal, pension 
    • Settlement of claims of general administration
    • Responsible for maintenance of cash book/reconciliation of bank statements; 
    • MIS returns


    Once you are appointed as an Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in the EPFO, you will be required to undergo a probationary period of 2 years from the date of joining the organization.

    Upsc Epfo Eo Ao Salary FAQs

    Yes, UPSC EPFO EO/AO is a permanent Group ‘B’, Non-Ministerial post.
    Upon selection as an EPFO EO/AO, you will be required to carry out the following duties- to look after the work of enforcement, recovery, accounts, administration, cash, legal, pension and computer which includes the statutory and administrative functions like conducting inquiry; settlement of claims general administration maintenance of cash book/reconciliation of bank statement; MIS returns etc.

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