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NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course
आज भी भारत की 70% आबादी ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में निवास करती है। नाबार्ड ग्रेड A राजभाषा उन सभी अभियार्तियों के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर लेकर आई है जो भारतीय ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के लिए काम करना चाहते है। हर साल लाखों छात्र इस परीक्षा का आवेदन करते है। प्रिलिमिनरी परीक्षा में 8 अनुभाग हैं।

ixamBee's NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course which is designed on the basis of the latest exam pattern helps in preparing for the Rajbhasha exam on a faster pace and in a smarter way.
NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course includes:
- The latest exam pattern
- The new section on Decision Making
- Descriptive English and Rajbhasha
- Special attention to merit subjects
- Guidance from subject experts
- Interview Guidance under experts
- Expert guidance in the specified subjects
नाबार्ड ग्रेड A राजभाषा ऑनलाइन कोर्स:
- लेटेस्ट पैटर्न पर बनाया गया है।
- इसमें नया अनुभाग डिसीज़न मेकिंग शामिल है।
- इसमें डिस्क्रिप्टिव इंग्लिश और डिस्क्रिप्टिव राजभाषा शामिल है।
- मेरिट सब्जेक्टस पर विशेष ध्यान।
- विषय विशेषज्ञों से दिशा निर्देश।
- विशेषज्ञों के तहत इंटरव्यू गाइडेंस।
- निर्देशित विषयो में एक्सपर्ट गाइडेंस।
Important features of the NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course are
NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course covers the complete syllabus through the following modes:
- 650+ video lessons covering the entire syllabus
- 350+ Study Notes that make learning and understanding easier
- 11000+ practice questions in the form of concept-clearing questions after every video lesson, section test, and mock test
- 25 Full Length Practice Tests based on the latest exam pattern and difficulty level (15 for Phase 1, 5 for Descriptive Hindi and 5 for Descriptive English)
नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए राजभाषा ऑनलाइन कोर्स की महत्वपूर्ण विशेषताएं हैं
नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए राजभाषा ऑनलाइन कोर्स के लिए निम्नलिखित माध्यमों से सम्पूर्ण कोर्स को कवर करता है:
- नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए के सभी अनुभागों के विभिन्न विषयों पर 650+ से अधिक वीडियो पाठ।
- 350+ स्टडी नोट्स जो सीखने और समझने को और ज्यादा आसान बनाते है।
- लगभग प्रत्येक वीडियो लेसन, सेक्शन टेस्ट और मॉक टेस्ट के बाद कांसेप्ट क्लीयरिंग प्रश्नों के रूप में 11000+ प्रैक्टिस प्रश्न।
- लेटेस्ट परीक्षा पैटर्न और कठिनाई स्तर के आधार पर 15 फुल लेंथ प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट।
- डिस्क्रिप्टिव इंग्लिश के लिए 5 मॉक टेस्ट।
- डिस्क्रिप्टिव राजभाषा के लिए 5 मॉक टेस्ट।
Why choose NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course?
- The increase in the difficulty level creates a scare among all the candidates. This course provides comprehensive preparation for the NABARD Grade A Official Language exam, which helps the students excel and crack the exam.
- Self-explanatory video lessons benefit the aspirant to learn the concepts thoroughly and the lessons are easily available as per the availability of the aspirant.
- After the video lessons and section tests, the concept checking questions help in regular practice which is essential for continuous revision of topics for detailed preparation of the upcoming exam.
- Study Notes are provided for the tests, which help quickly revise concepts before the exam.
- We also provide mock tests for Descriptive English and Descriptive Rajbhasha.
- Regular live sessions help in clearing doubts. These sessions provide an opportunity to ask questions directly to the experts.
- We also provide Extracts / Crisp Study Notes from Annual Reports of various Ministries containing very important data frequently encountered in the NABARD Grade A Exam every year.
- NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha Online Course allows candidates to learn and study at their own pace and on time.
नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए राजभाषा ऑनलाइन कोर्स क्यों चुनें?
- कठिनाई स्तर में वृद्धि और परीक्षा पैटर्न में अचानक बदलाव ने सभी अभ्यर्थियों को भ्रमित और डरा दिया है। ये कोर्स नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए राजभाषा परीक्षा के लिए एक व्यापक तैयारी प्रदान करता है जो छात्रों को परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होने के साथ-साथ उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है।
- स्व-व्याख्यात्मक वीडियो पाठों से अभ्यर्थी को अवधारणाओं को अच्छी तरह से सीखने में लाभ होता है और अभ्यर्थी की उपलब्धता के अनुसार लेसन आसानी से उपलब्ध होते हैं।
- वीडियो पाठों और सेक्शन टेस्ट के बाद, कॉन्सेप्ट चेकिंग प्रश्न नियमित अभ्यास में मदद करते हैं जो आगामी परीक्षा की विस्तृत तैयारी के लिए विषयों के निरंतर संशोधन के लिए आवश्यक है।
- पीडीएफ अनुभाग परीक्षणों के लिए प्रदान किए जाते हैं जो परीक्षा से पहले अवधारणाओं के त्वरित संशोधन में मदद करते हैं।
- केवल हम डिस्क्रिप्टिव अंग्रेजी और डिस्क्रिप्टिव राजभाषा के लिए मॉक टेस्ट प्रदान करते हैं। कोई अन्य ऑनलाइन शिक्षण मंच इन्हें प्रदान नहीं करता है।
- नियमित लाइव सेशन संदेह निवारण में मदद करते हैं। ये सत्र विशेषज्ञों से सीधे प्रश्न पूछने का अवसर प्रदान करते हैं।
- हम हर साल नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए परीक्षा में अक्सर होने वाले अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण डेटा वाले विभिन्न मंत्रालयों की वार्षिक रिपोर्ट से उद्धरण / स्पष्ट स्टडी नोट्स भी प्रदान करते हैं।
- नाबार्ड ग्रेड ए राजभाषा ऑनलाइन कोर्स अभ्यर्थियों को अपनी गति और समय पर सीखने और अध्ययन करने की अनुमति देता है।
What do our selected candidates have to say about ixamBee?
Below are a few feedbacks from our selected students:
- Nikihil Prem Selected as NABARD Grade A 2020
I am greatly indebted to ixamBee team who helped me to crack the interview. I went through all the videos on their portal which gave me insights into the expectations of the interviewers. Interviews mostly revolve around the lines of one's biodata, work experience, and studies. The expert panel of Ixambee thoroughly analyzed my profile and helped me fill the gaps in my interview preparation. They motivated me and helped me in keeping up my confidence level, as that is all that matters in the end. Regarding sources, since NABARD Grade-A is primarily a factual exam, the focus should be on retention as well as a decent broad coverage of the syllabus. ixamBee mocks available on their portal helped me in this regard. In phase 2 of banking examinations like NABARD, there is a tendency of students to overlook the English part. Regular practice of at least 1 hour is very necessary to keep command over the English paper. Broad topics, mostly related to agriculture and economic and social issues, can be covered from newspapers like The Hindu and Indian Express. ixamBee also gives out a list of probable topics that can be used for streamlining the preparations. After all 'try and try again' is the proven mantra for success. So, my best wishes to all the aspirants and my thanks once again to the ixamBee Team.
- Manisha Duhan Selected as NABARD Grade A 2020
During my preparation, I took help from the ixamBee’s mock interview which helped me in my actual interview. The advised recieved from the expert panel were very fruitful and helped me to crack the NABARD interview.
- Sneh Pandey Selected as NABARD Grade A 2019
The best thing about ixamBee is that its course content is very crisp and focused. Mock Tests are of very good quality and contain a diversity of questions. Daily Live classes gave me the opportunity for one-one interaction with faculty, who are helpful and approachable. Daily/weekly/Monthly GA capsules helped me with my GA preparation. Whatever time I have spent with ixamBee courses and Live classes have helped me crack NABARD Grade A.
- Mahidhar Boyapati (Selected as RBI Grade B officer 2019)
I have cleared the RBI Grade B 2019 exam with the help of ixamBee course and guidance. Before switching to RBI, I worked for TCS, SBI, and EPFO, but I always felt that I could do better and this urged me to for RBI Grade B exam. I was clueless when I started my journey but with the immense guidance of faculties like CP sir, Prachi Maa'm I was always sure that I will nail the exam. My all study resources for RBI Grade B exam were wholly dependent on ixamBee material from mocks to youtube to course notes. Lastly, i want to thank ixamBee for helping me in achieving such a feat.
- Aakash Santoria (Selected RBI Grade B officer 2019)
ixamBee mocks of RBI Grade B serve as my savior. English and GA were my strongest points but Reasoning and Quants were a bit challenging. But my this fear was overcome when I went through ixamBee videos for these two sections. These videos of ixamBee not only shoved off my fear but gave me the confidence to achieve and target more. Finally, I am so much grateful to ixamBee for playing a powerful role in my achievement.
- Kanika Berry (Selected as RBI Grade B officer 2019)
I have cleared the RBI Grade B 2019 exam. I am extremely grateful to ixamBee for helping me in achieving this feat. The guidance provided by the faculties was of immense help. They not only helped me in my RBI Grade B preparation but also motivated me from time to time to work harder.
- Santwana Panda (Selected in SEBI Grade A 2018, AIR 2)
Thank you ixambee. I subscribed to the Full SEBI Course and made the best use of the free mock tests. Their study material is very concise, easy to revise, and up-to-date which helped me in solving many of the securities market questions. I am especially grateful for their personal guidance during the interview stage.
- NABARD Gr A 2022 Selected Candidate Hemant Yadav
I was preparing for several competitive exams, including the NABARD Grade A exam. I began my journey with ixamBee when I started to follow ixamBee’s revision series that was conducted on YouTube. This really helped me build and consolidate my basic concepts. I joined ixamBee’s NABARD Grade A interview course which helped me prepare for the interview in a big way. I understand the role the interview plays in your overall selection and I did not want to take any risk at all. During my mock interview, Susheel Ragade sir and Prachi ma’am gave me various scenarios to discuss in the interview. This both helped me understand my grey areas and gave direction to my preparation. I learned how to steer the interview in my own direction.
- NABARD Rajbhasha 2022 Selected Candidate Meenanshu Kahar (Rajbhasha)
I began preparing for the Agriculture and Rural Development section with the help of YouTube videos available on the ixamBee YouTube channel which I found immensely helpful. After clearing the NABARD Grade A Prelims exam, I enrolled myself in ixamBee’s NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha online course. I was mostly able to prepare with the help of all the subjects and exercises covered in the live classes themselves. I also made it a point to do revision on my own after the live classes were over. Frankly, I was most nervous about the NABARD Grade A interview because I had never given an interview before. So, I kept in contact with mentors from ixamBee, namely Pratima ma’am and Garima ma’am who helped me and guided me in every way they could. ixamBee has played a vital role in every way in my NABARD Grade A Rajbhasha success story.
- NABARD 2022 Selected Candidate Niharika Tripathi (Finance)
After 7 years of professional service in the Insurance sector, I decided to pursue my dream of working for the government sector and chose to take the NABARD Grade A 2022 exam. I made the wise decision to enrol myself for ixamBee’s NABARD Grade A Finance online course. ixamBee is probably the only online platform that offers the NABARD Finance syllabus and study materials. The NABARD study materials included in the course were very good, particularly for the Descriptive sections of the exam. The notes were very crisp and to-the-point prepared to cater to exam-preparation needs. I also took ixamBee’s free NABARD Grade A mock tests for my preparation as well.
- NABARD Gr A 2021 Selected Candidate Tapan Singh Bhawarkar (Agriculture)
I was both emotional and elated to learn that I cracked the NABARD Grade A Agriculture exam 2021 in my first attempt. I would like to thank Team ixamBee for being there with me through my journey!
Nabard Grade A Rajbhasha Course Faculty and Course Coordinator
Ms. Anjali Pratap is an English language expert with 8+ years of experience. She has done B.tech. in computer science and started her career as a Software Engineer at Tech Mahindra. She is an expert educator for Banking & Insurance exams, MBA entrance exams and Interview preparation. Her offline and online presence has helped a number of aspirants in cracking exams with the right guidance & motivation.
MA Sociology and English, UGC NET qualified, B.Ed., CTET both papers qualified 2 times, UPTET both papers qualified two times, 10 years of experience in teaching and a book published for Hindi entrance exam in 2019.
Ex AGM RBI, Ex SVP Yes Bank, with 13 years of senior-level experience in the banking & finance sector. He joined as RBI Grade B Officer in 2004 (AIR 5), in 2008 got promoted to AGM (Grade C), one of the first three in his batch to get promoted. He holds a Ph.D.(Development Communication) and is an MBA (ISB Hyderabad.
Ex. Manager RBI, is an Engineer - MBA turned Banker - Central Banker turned Edupreneur working in the Digital Education Domain since 2010. He has cleared exams like CAT, IBPS, SBI, RBI, SSC, NET-JRF. Is an expert in various subjects like Mathematics, Economics, Finance, Educational Psychology, EdTech, Career Counseling, etc.
Ex-Manager Care Ratings, a management professional with over a decade of experience in risk analysis, credit management, investment banking, and equity research. She is an MBA (Finance) from BIMTECH, Noida, and B.Com (Hons) from Hansraj College, Delhi University.
Dr. Sanjeev Sharma Ex CGM RBI, Ex Ex. Dir.NHB (on deputation from RBI), Ex Resident Director Kisetsu Saison. He holds a PhD in English from IIT Kanpur. He has obtained a Master’s degree in English from Hindu College, DU, and B.A. (Hons) English
Ms. Arunima is an Ex- Grade B SIDBI Officer and an Ex- Bank PO. Since 2010, she has been teaching for competitive exams and has successfully coached more than thousands of students. She is a Bachelor in Arts (Hons.)- English. She is an expert faculty for English Language, English Writing, Reasoning and also preparation guidance.
Nabard Grade A Rajbhasha Course Study Materials Information
- Commonsense Reasoning
- Coding Decoding
- Coded Inequalities
- Syllogism
- Seating Arrangement
- Puzzles
- Coded Blood Relationship
- Input Output
- Direction and Distance
- Data Sufficiency
- Ranking
- Analytical Reasoning
- Section Test Reasoning
- No. System
- Percentage
- Profit and loss
- Ratio and proportion
- Partnership
- Average
- Alligation
- Simple and compound interest
- Time and distance
- Trains
- Boats and streams
- Pipes and cisterns
- Permutation and combination
- Probability
- Quadratic equation
- Series
- Mensuration
- DI
- Age
- HCF and LCM
- Simplification
- Approximation
- Time and work and Pipe and Cisterns
- Short Cut Tricks
- Section Test Quant
- Caselet DI
- Venn diagram
- Tense
- Parts of Speech
- Direct Indirect Speech
- Active passive voice
- Articles and Determiners
- Cloze Passage
- Fillers
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Rearrangement / Parajumbles
- Spotting Errors
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence Improvement
- Coherent paragraph
- Vocabulary
- Section Test English Language
- Sentence Connectors
- Match the column
- Subject Verb Agreement
- Phrasal Verbs
- Economy, Banking & Finance (EBF) - Concepts
- Static GA
- Budget and Economic Survey
- Review of Kurukshetra and Yojana Magazine
- Important Reports and Indices
- RBI Reports
- Financial Awareness (Static)
- Government Schemes
- Weekly Quiz – GA and EBF
- Beepedia
- Economy, Banking & Finance (EBF) - Current Affairs
- PIB Current Affairs
- Section Tests
- Shortcuts , Abbreviations and Extensions
- Computer Memory
- Computer Hardware & Software System
- Database Management System
- Computer Book
- MS Office
- Computer Network
- Browser & Email
- Introduction to Computers
- Computer Security
- Operating System
- Agriculture Introduction and details
- Basic principles of crop production
- Cropping System and details
- Agro Climatic Zones and details
- AgriPedia- Current Agriculture
- Basic Entomology
- Economy and Inflation
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Poverty Alleviation
- Nature of Indian Economy
- ESI Lectures
- Employment generation
- Rural Banking and financial institutions in India
- Population growth and Economic development
- Industrial policy of India
- Social structure in India
- Globalization
- Precis Writing
- Essay Writing
- Descriptive English Mock Test
- Reading Comprehension in English Writing
- Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- राजभाषा
- हिन्दी भाषा का संक्षिप्त इतिहास
- गद्द्यांश
- वाक्य संशोधन
- Descriptive Hindi
- अनुवाद
- Rural population trends rural work force
- Rural occupations and PRI
- RBI, NABARD & Other Institutions
- Rural Development Introduction
- Decision Making