Mahesh ranked 17th from the top and 31th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 5 boys did not participate in the competition and 4 fail...
U और R के बीच कितने बॉक्स रखे गए हैं?
In a code language, THROUGH is written as IHVPSIU. How will PATRICK be written as in that language?
A truck travels 32 km North, then it turns West and travels 22 km, then it turns South and Travels 55 km, then it turns to its left and travels 22 km. W...
A group of letters are numbered from 1 to 8. Four options given below depict combinations of these numbers. Select that combination of numbers so that l...
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. Presti...
After arranging the given words according to dictionary order, which word will come at ‘Fifth’ position?
1. Version
2. Versus
<...Select the number-pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as are the two numbers of the given number pair.
13 : 338
Which of the following boxes is placed immediately above and immediately below N?
‘A + B’ means ‘A is the son of B’, ‘A - B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’. ‘A × B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’, ‘A ÷ B’ mean...