शुरुआत ही भाषा और गणित के ज्ञान के साथ होती हैं क्यूंकी ये दोनों ही विषय जीवन से व्यावहारिक रूप से जुड़े होते हैं।
AThe beginning of our education begins with the knowledge of language and mathematics as both these subjects are practically related to life.Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
BOur education begins with the knowledge of language and mathematics as both these subjects are practically related to lifeCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
CThe beginning of our education is with language and mathematics as both these subjects are practically related to life.Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
DThe beginning of our education happens with the knowledge of language and mathematics as both these subjects are related to life.Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
जीवन से व्यावहारिक रूप - practically related to life