federation = महासंघ
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
Pusa giant is a variety of
South coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu receives rainfall from _______
When plant is propagated by small tissue or part of a plant then that particular technique is termed as
What is the deficiency symptom for Magnesium in plants?
Which crop, known for its cultivation in semi-arid regions and often referred to as a 'camel crop' due to its drought resistance, has a relatively low l...
Method of extreme form of minimum tillage where primary tillage is completely avoided and secondary tillage is restricted to row zone or seed bed zone o...
The development of new variety through identification and isolation of single best plant progeny is known as
A form of indigestion marked by excessive accumulation of gas in the rumen. This form of indigestion is termed as
Known as a 'wonder crop' for its high nutritional value, particularly its protein content, which legume is widely regarded as an affordable source of pr...