औचित्य - propriety, rationale
According to the provisions of CPC every suit shall be instituted by__________
The State shall not confer a title on any citizen or non-citizen except:
Confession in front of police officer when valid?
Which of the following rights are guaranteed to all citizens under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution?
A Public Company is a company which has a minimum paid-up share capital ____________
What is the consequence of absence of complainant as per the provisions of CrPC?
Under The Limitation Act, 1963, which of the following is not a correct definition?
In which of the recent cases, the Supreme Court has summarized and reiterated the Rule of inadmissibility of confessions made to Police officer in polic...
As per the IBC Insolvency Commencement date means___________________
'A' is tried for the murder of 'B' by intentionally shooting him dead. In trial, the irrelevant fact is:-