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The present average age of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is 16 years, present average age of ‘X’ and ‘Z’ is 56 years and present average age of ‘Y’ an...
Present ages of P and Q are in the ratio 3:5 respectively. If Q’s age, 16 years hence from now will be 6 times of P’s age, 6 years ago from now, the...
Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of 'A' and 'B' was 3:5, respectively. However, eight years from now, the ratio of their ages will be 5:6. Determine...
A is 4 years older than B while C is 5 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 7 years hence and age of B, 6 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 1...
Six years from now, Kirti's age will be twice that of her brother Kunal, but 4 years ago she was three times as old as Kunal was then. Find the present ...
Sum of the present ages of Gaurav and Shubham is 100. Age of Gaurav four years ago was twice the age of Shubham six years ago. Find the square root of a...
Ratio of present ages of A and B is 7:5, respectively. C who is 3 years older than A will become 36 years older after 12 years. Find the present age of B.
A boy’s age is 125% of what it was 8 years ago, but 75% of what it will be after 8 years. What is his present age?
The average age of a group of 20 persons is found to be 27 years. Later it is found that age of two of the persons is calculated as 25 and 30 instead of...
A is younger than B by 5 years. If the ratio of A and B ages is 7:8 respectively, then find the age of A.