बाकी वाक्यों में globally या wealth की जगह अशुद्ध शब्द का प्रयोग हुआ है।
Who is the CEO of Axis Bank?
Recently Prime Minister inaugurated 60 Mega-Watt Tuirial Hydro-power Project in the state of:
Which of the following award is not given for sports
विष्व में सर्वाधिक लम्बी तट -रेखा किस खाडी की है ?
When the Portuguese first navigated around the Cape of Good Hope into the Indian Ocean, what did they encounter?
Which international financial institution did NABARD collaborate with to set up a carbon fund to address climate risks?
An international finance centre called GIFT city is being constructed in the state of:
The government aims to produce 5 MMT of green hydrogen by ______________ .
During which Governor-General's tenure did the first passenger train operate in India?
A company cannot issue FPO before the issue of IPO