5th option में has के साथ में verb की 1st form लगी है जबकि नियम के अनुसार 3rd form का प्रयोग होना चाहिए।
What is the time of flowering in pomegranate during mrigbahar?
Why are lysosomes referred to as "suicidal bags"?
Which of the following fruit crops is known for its high salt tolerance?
Which of the following mango varieties is most suitable for high-density planting?
Most salt tolerant fruit is
The mutant variety of Carica papaya is :
What is the minimum concentration of fruit pulp/ Juice in the ideal squash?
What is the main medicinal compound found in Rauvolfia serpentina, and how is it used in modern medicine
Which plant species does not possess xylem vessels?
Curd is the economical part of which of the following vegetable?