The correct answer is E
Which of the following is the sixth (last) sentence of the passage?
...Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.
A. This reputation overwhelms his record and when people think of ...
Given below are four sentences in jumbled order. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. But Mr. Oliver did not feel nervous at all.
What could be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
In the question given below, each passage consist of 6 sentences. The first and the 6th sentences are marked. The middle 4 sentences in each have been...
1. The only memorable part is
P. threekilometres later shifting from
Q. going over the unmanned and
R. small railway crossin...
Parts of the following sentence are given as options. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
This question paper comprises from ...
Which of the following is the second sentence of the passage?
1. During the science
P. lab, the students
Q. was gooey enough
R. to stick to the
S. created a glutinous mixture that
6. walls when thrown.
Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D and E are in a jumbled order. Select the op...