The correct answer is A
The most popular fine wool sheep breed of the world is ……………………
The biggest breed of Indian goat is –
Read the statements and then find the correct answer.
i. Striated muscles are voluntary muscles.
Which of the following is the prominent dual purpose breed of north India widely spread in Indo Gangetic plains, primarily reared for bullock production...
In India, the state which is the largest producer of wool?
Which buffalo breed is characterized by a jet-black colored body coat and short tightly curled horns, as well as being the best in milk production with ...
'Rut or Mast' is present in which species of animal ?
Area designed for the feeding of lamb, calves and piglet in the farm but not used for adults is known as?
Cow milk contains ___% fat and ___% SNF.
Muga silk is produced by _____