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feasible = साध्य favourable = अनुकूल ratification = अनुसमर्थन / पुष्टि
If ‘COMPUTER’ is coded as ‘EQORWVGT’, how is ‘COMMAND’ coded in the same language?
“kd” is coded for which of the following?
If digits of each number are arranged is ascending order from left to right within the number, how many number/ numbers thus formed would be perfect squ...
What is the code for ‘who’?
In a certain code language, ‘61851438’ is related to 'FRENCH' in the same way ‘821132125’ is related to which of the following words?
...What is the code for ‘details’ in the given code language?
In a certain code, WIRE is written as ‘HXDS’, then how is TOPS can be written in that code?
Which of the following is the code of ‘need work hard’?
In a certain code language, ‘APPLY’ is coded as ‘ZTTPC’ and ‘MOUSE’ is coded as ‘QNTWD’. How will ‘LIGHTS’ be coded as in that langu...
What is the code of ‘impossible’?