जान बूझकर विपत्ति मोल लेना
In Huffman Coding, which property ensures that no code is a prefix of another?
When using descriptive statistics, which measure is best for understanding data variability?
Which of the following is the most appropriate method to handle missing data in a dataset for predictive modeling?
Which visualization library in R is most effective for creating interactive, web-based data visualizations?
What is a key distinction between metadata and primary data in a database context?
Which of the following is a key advantage of using box plots over histograms for visualizing data?
A data analyst is tasked with forecasting quarterly sales for the upcoming year based on the last five years of sales data. Which of the following metho...
Which of the following best explains why sampling is used in data analysis?
A smart home system is compromised, and attackers remotely control connected devices like security cameras and smart locks. Which security principle is ...
Which of the following scenarios illustrates runtime polymorphism?