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1. सुनने की इंद्रिय; कान 2. नाव की पतवार 3. (पुराण) कुंती का बड़ा पुत्र जो सूर्य के अंश से उत्पन्न हुआ था 4. (ज्यामिती) एक रेखा जो चतुर्भुज के आमने-सामने के कोणों को मिलाती हो 5. (काव्यशास्त्र) छप्पय छंद का एक भेद।
What is the sum of the central angles corresponding to the participants in Singing and Debate together?
What is the ratio of the marks obtained by Alka in Maths and marks obtained by Kushal in Economics?
What is ratio of total number of players playing Baseball and number of girls playing Cricket?
Manual cars sold in city C is what percent of total number of automatic cars sold in city E?
Find the sum of the number of Oranges sold by B and number of Oranges sold by C.
Answer the questions based on the information given below.
The line graph given below shows the number of scooters sold by different showrooms ...