The correct answer is C
What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following equation if ‘+’ and ‘-’ are interchanged and ‘x’ and ‘÷ ’ are int...
In a certain code language, ‘BOOK’ is written as ‘325’, ‘READ’ is written as ‘400’. Howwill ‘ABLE’ be written in that language?
All crackers are toys.
Some crackers are rockets.
All rockets are aeroplanes.
Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
8 + 7 × 5 ÷14 – 3 = 6
Select the option that is embedded in the given figure as its part (rotation is NOT allowed).
A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?
What should come in place of ? in the given series?
51 53 57 59 ? 65 69
Which letter-cluster will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
There are five girls in a group, each having a different height. H is shorter than E only. F is not as tall as P. P is shorter than G. Who is the shorte...
In a classroom, there are 5 rows, and 5 children Akshay, Vineet, Sujeet, Guddu and Mangal are seated one behind the other in 5 separate rows as follows:...