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संविधान के अनुच्छेद 344 के खंड (4) में किये गए प्रावधान के अनुसार सितंबर 1957 में 30 सदस्यों (20 लोकसभा और 10 राज्य सभा से ) की संसदीय समिति गठित की गई जिसे राजभाषा आयोग की सिफारिशों की समीक्षा करके उन पर अपनी राय का प्रतिवेदन राष्ट्रपति को प्रस्तुत करना था ।तदनुसार तत्कालीन गृहमंत्री श्री गोविंद बल्लभ पंत की अध्यक्षता में समिति ने व्यापक विचार विमर्श के पश्चात 8 फरवरी 1959 को राष्ट्रपति को अपना प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत किया ।
Aman is 16th from the left end in a row of boys and Vivek is 18th from the right end. Gagan is 11th from Aman towards t...
How many persons are shorter than L?
T reached the school before D but after L. V reached the school before T but after K reached the school. L reached the school just after V reached the s...
Ramesh is 18th from the right end in a row of 60 boys. What is his position from the left end?
Six people N, O, P, Q, R, S have different weight. N is heavier than two people. O is lighter than N. R is heavier than N. P is lighter than R but heav...
In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Rohan ranked seventeenth from top. If there are 9 girls ahead of Rohan, how many boys are after hi...
Who among the following person doesn’t form a group?
In a row of 10 boys, when Harish was shifted by 5 places towards the left, he became the 3rdfrom the left end. What was his earlier position ...
How many persons are there between W and Q?
There are five students N, O, P, Q and R participating in a match. O gets lesser score than only P and N. Q scores lesser than O and more than R. N does...