अनिवार्य के लिए लिए सही पारिभाषिक शब्द है
Memorandum स्मरण पत्र
Merger विलय
Correspondance पत्राचार
Socially acceptable ways of behavior that do involve moral standards
Who coined the term 'Green Revolution"?
The F1 progeny of a cross is
How much area can be irrigated with a flow rate of 30 liters per second for 10 hours a day when irrigation requirement of the 100 days duration crop is ...
Hardening-off is a term used in the nursery/landscape industry to mean:
Soil moisture tension is directly measured by
Which of the following loan type is disbursed to help farmers, pay wages?
NADP-Me type C4 pathway is found in
In tile drainage, when the tiles arranged from one side only it is known as ____
Installing 10-12 blue/yellow sticky traps per hectare is effective to manage: -