The correct answer is C
In a factory, total number of workers (male + female) are 480. If the number of female workers is 40% more than the number of male workers in the factor...
Ali the barber shaved 38% of his customers and gave a haircut to 76% of his customers. He charged Rs. 12 for a shave and Rs. 9 for a haircut. If 25% of ...
If the price of rice has increased from Rs 40 per kg to Rs. 60 per kg, by how much percent a person has to decrease his consumption so that his expendit...
A man's annual income has increased by Rs 5 lakhs but the tax on income that he has to pay has reduced from 12% to 10%. He now pays Rs 10,000 more inco...
If a book was sold at 20% profit and the cost price & selling price of the book is increased by Rs. 40 and Rs. 96 respectively. The new profit percentag...
If 97% of students are present in a class and 12 students are absent. Find total numbers of student in class?
In an election two candidates participated. 10% voters did not vote. 11(1/9)% votes declared invalid and the winner got 75% of the valid votes. If he wo...
A housewife saved Rs. 2.50 in buying an item on sale. If she spent Rs. 25 for the item, approximately how much percent she saved in the transacti...
Meenu spent 10% of the salary on entertainment and 10% on makeup. She spent 20% of the remaining on the food and 50% of the remaining invested in mutual...
In a class of 40 students and 8 teachers, each student got gifts that were 20% of total number of students and each teacher got gifts that were 15% of t...