नीचे दिया गया हरेक वाक्य चार भागों में बांटा गया है जिन्हें ( A), (B), (C), और ( D), क्रमांक दिए गए हैं। आपको यह देखना है कि वाक्य के किसी भाग में व्याकरण , भाषा , वर्तनी , शब्दों के गलत प्रयोग या इसी तरह की कोई त्रुटि तो नहीं है। त्रुटि अगर होगी तो वाक्य के किसी एक भाग में ही होगी , उस भाग का क्रमांक ही आपका उत्तर है। अगर वाक्य त्रुटिरहित है तो उत्तर ( E) दीजिए।
यहाँ पर कोश सही शब्द होगा । कोश वह ग्रंथ है, जिसमें अर्थ एवं पर्याय सहित शब्द इकट्ठे किए गए हों।
Consider the following statements about State Food Safety Index:
1. Recently, Ministry of Commerce published the State Food Safety Index.
Meaning of 'Gunth Bhoomi'
Which state’s Nagri Dubraj rice variety has got G.I tag?
Which state raised the OBC quota to 27% in local bodies?
Recently seems in the news, Vaigai Dam is located in which one of the following States?
Consider the following statement about “Zorawar".
1. India's indigenously designed and developed light tank, tentatively named Zorawar.
...According to the Agricultural Census 2010-11 in Uttarakhand state, what is the average size of agricultural holdings in hectares?
The 2024 theme for World Health Day is?
The BioE3 policy emphasizes the development of which kind of economy?
The Tata group signed an outline deal with which state government for building a lithium-ion cell factory with an investment of about Rs 13,000 crore ($...