निम्न लिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न को चार भागों में बांटा गया है। दिए गए प्रश्नों के जिस भाग में व्याकरण, भाषा , वर्तनी तथा शब्द का अनुचित प्रयोग हुआ है। उस भाग को पहचानिए। यदि वाक्य के दिए गए भाग त्रुटिरहित है, तो विकल्प “ E” सही उत्तर होगा।
“अधार” वर्तनी की दृष्टि से गलत है सही शब्द “अधार” होना चाहिए।
In soil, net Immobilization of Carbon & Phosphorus occurs when ratio is:
Microbe involved in biological oxidation of ammonium ion to nitrite ion is
Toxicity of which element leads to the unavailability of iron and zinc
Where is NRSC ( national remote sensing centre) located?
Which organic component, constituting approximately 10-30% in plant tissues, is often categorized as "very slowly decomposed"?
The absolute density of soil is also referred to as ……………….which is generally 2.60-2.75 gm/cm3
The soil having pH value of < 8.5 with EC (electrical conductivity) is > 4.0 millimhos/cm and ESP < 15% is ____
The root nodule of legumes contain a pink pigment which has affinity for oxygen is
The water that is held mostly by soil colloids and it is mostly non-liquid or moves in vapour form, the soil water is termed as
Which of the following is a complex fertilizer?