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"खाता है" के स्थान पर "खाते हैं" होना चाहिए, क्योंकि राम और श्याम दोनों व्यक्ति हैं। सही वाक्य होगा: "राम और श्याम एक-दूसरे के घर पर खाना खाते हैं।"
Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner?
Who authored 'The Resilient Entrepreneur - Strategies to set you up for Success'?
Consider the Following statements:
I. Recently the Cabinet has approved an Agreement between India and the United Nations on a ‘Way Finding A...
Which of the following books is NOT written by Salman Rushdie?
Which of the following public sector bank will manage the Indian Visa Application Centre (IVAC) in Bangladesh for two more years?
Where is the headquarters of the small finance bank which launched Platina Fixed Deposit, which offers interest of 15 basis points in addition to the re...
Who wrote the famous book 'A Brief History of Time'?
Who is the author of the book 'A Passage to India'?
Who authored the memoir "Unstoppable: My Life So Far"?
What was the name of Indian army operation in 1988?