' अत्युक्ति ' शब्द का सन्धि विच्छेद ' अति + उक्ति ' है, ' यदि इ/ई, उ/ऊ और ऋ के बाद भिन्न स्वर आए तो इ/ई का 'य' उ/ऊ का 'व' और ऋ का 'र' हो जाता है। जब इ,ई के साथ कोई अन्य स्वर हो तो ” य” बन जाता है।
How many stereoisomers does a ketopentose have?
A sound seed certification programme requires:
Meat is a good source of protein and essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Pink color of cured meat is due to
The total amount received from the product sales is:
Which soil requires frequent irrigation?
What is the budget allocated for the “PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme” over five years?
Which of following is appropriate for a clay soil:
Karnal Bunt of wheat, a disease that causes a characteristic fishy odor in affected grains, is caused by which of the following pathogens?
A free living non ‐ symbiotic anaerobic bacterium is:
The rotation intensity of maize --- wheat + gram --- moong is: