वाक्य संरचना के अनुरूप यही सही क्रम हैं
If the phrase “group medal” is coded as “clm olm” then what might be the code for the phrase “actually medal”?
...What is the code for ‘Is’?
What is the code for “establish” in the given code language?
In certain code language, 'MANNERS' is coded as 'OZPMGIU'. How will 'LEOPARD' be coded in that language?
What is the code for “german sector” in the given language?
In a certain code language, if 'QEV' is written as '37' and 'IYP' is written as '31', how will 'CNX' be written in the same code language?
What may be the code for 'women law", if 'law women help' is coded as 'vo mo zo?
Which of the following denotes ‘7%R’ code
In a certain code language, ‘SITE’ is coded as '19-9-20-5' and ‘WEAR’ is coded as '23-5- 1-18'. How will ‘CARE’ be coded in that language?
What can be the possible code for ‘explain meet’ in the code language?