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The correct answer is B
Aman is 16th from the left end in a row of boys and Vivek is 18th from the right end. Gagan is 11th from Aman towards t...
How many persons are shorter than L?
T reached the school before D but after L. V reached the school before T but after K reached the school. L reached the school just after V reached the s...
Ramesh is 18th from the right end in a row of 60 boys. What is his position from the left end?
Six people N, O, P, Q, R, S have different weight. N is heavier than two people. O is lighter than N. R is heavier than N. P is lighter than R but heav...
In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Rohan ranked seventeenth from top. If there are 9 girls ahead of Rohan, how many boys are after hi...
Who among the following person doesn’t form a group?
In a row of 10 boys, when Harish was shifted by 5 places towards the left, he became the 3rdfrom the left end. What was his earlier position ...
How many persons are there between W and Q?
There are five students N, O, P, Q and R participating in a match. O gets lesser score than only P and N. Q scores lesser than O and more than R. N does...