कालिदास का नाम किसने नहीं सुना ।
How much more percentage of plant accommodates by Hexagonal system as compared to square system?
In oxygenic photosynthetic organism, photosynthetic pigment is located in ___________
Vascular bundle in plants in composed of
“Buck eye rot” is associated with:
Which among the following are the laws of Embryony?
Which among the following are the laws of Embryony?
A. Law of Parsimony
B. La...
With reference to farm planning and optimun resource use consider the following:
1. Monopolistic Competition
2. Perfect Competition
Name of the insect Order in which (in general), the larval stage is phytophagous and adults are nectar feeder/sap suckers:
Which one of the following micro-organism oxidizes nitrite to nitrate?
The range of correlation coefficient is ____
Consider the following statements in reference to cross pollinated crops.
A. Inbred lines based single cross hybrid is homozygous and homogeneous...