जिस क्रिया से ज्ञान हो कि कर्ता स्वयं कार्य को न करके किसी अन्य को कार्य करने की प्रेरणा देता है वह प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया कहलाती है। मूलतः द्वि अक्षरी धातुओं में आना तथा वाना जोड़ने से प्रेरणार्थक क्रियाएँ बनती हैं। दिए गये विकल्पों में धुला+आना= धुलाना। अतः सही विकल्प धुलाना ' है।
SA 500 refers to:
An entry with more than one debit or credit is known as
Office equipment is a______________asset for a computer manufacturer and the same office equipment is a _____ ____asset for a company that deals in th...
In context of Goods and Service Tax, what does CTP represent?
Read the following information to answer the below questions:
What is the full form of ISDN:
X Ltd. provides you the following information to calculate P/V ratio.
Fixed cost = Rs. 40,000, Break-even point = Rs. 1,00,000
Where an Assesse incurs any expenditure for acquisition of any asset or part thereof in respect of which a payment or aggregate of payment made to a per...
SSL stands for:
If MOS = 50000 units and BE units are 35000, then what are the Budgeted Sales units?