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The correct answer is D
A is in which direction with respect to B?
I. A and B start walking from the same point in opposite directions and after walking 5 kms each, both...
Seven boxes T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are kept in a seven-storey building such as bottommost box is numbered as 1 and the box immediately above it is numbe...
Seven persons namely A, B, C, K, L, M and N are sitting in a row facing north, then who sits second to right of C?
I) Two persons sit betw...
Out of five members (L, M, N, O and P) of a family, how many members are males?
I. L is father of P, whose only son is N.
II. P has two sisters, M and O.
P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in a row facing south. Who among the following sits exactly in the middle of the row?
I. T sits second from the left...
How many female members are there in family of ten members?
Statement I: Z is only son of Y, who is son-in-law of B. W is only daughter of C. L...
Seven items (Lipsticks, Diapers, Combs, Lotions, Iron, Newspaper and Papers) are kept on different racks of an Almirah, such that lowermost rack is numb...
The question given below consists of two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements ar...
Statements: G ≤ H, H ≤ J, L < G
Conclusions: I. L < H II. J > L
...How is E related to I?
I. B is mother of C, who is sister of D. E is son of D.
II. G is mother of F, who is brother of E. H is granddaught...