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हल - मगही भाषा आठवीं अनुसूची में वर्णित भाषा नहीं है जो भाषा वर्णित है वह मैथिली ।
In how many minutes can the faster Tap alone fill the tank, if Tap P and Q, working together, can fill the tank in 45 minutes and Tap P is three times f...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 30 hours whereas leak ‘A’ can empty it in 40 hours. If they both operate along with pipe ‘B’, then the given tan...
An inlet can fill an empty tank in 6 hours whereas an outlet pipe can empty it in 12 hours. If (N - 1) such outlet pipes having same efficiency and (N +...
Pipe P can fill a tank in 12 hours, while pipe Q can fill the same tank in 20 hours. Both pipes are initially opened to fill an empty tank, but after 5 ...
Tap A can fill a tank in 8 hours. Tap B can fill 12.5% part of the same tank in 2 hours, whereas Tap C can alone empty a tank in ‘x’ hours. 5/8 part...
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’ can fill a cistern in 30 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. Pipe ‘C’ alone can empty the cistern in 12 minutes. If a...
There are 6 inlet and (x-2) outlet pipes attached to a tank. Each inlet pipe takes 20 hours to fill the tank and each outlet pipe empties the fully fill...
Pipe A can fill a tank in 50% less time than it takes pipe B to empty it, while pipe C can fill the same tank in 25% less time than pipe B's emptying du...
A pump can fill a tank with water in 2 hours. Because of a leak in the tank it was taking 7/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water o...
Tap P can fill the tank in 5 hours and Tap Q can empty it in 7(1/2) hours. Tap P starts filling and they opened for 1 hour each alternatively. In what t...