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The marks scored by a boy in three subjects are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Boy scored an overall aggregate of 60% in the exam. If the maximum marks in each...
Rajesh spent 48% of his monthly income on food and 52% of the remaining of study. If total monthly savings (after spending on food and study) of Rajesh ...
A company’s revenue increases by 20% in the first year, decreases by 10% in the second year, and increases by 25% in the third year. If the revenue at...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 20% every year. If the present income of ‘A’ is Rs. 23040 and his expenditure 2 years ago from now was Rs. 10500,...
A hostel levies a fixed charge along with an additional charge per student. The total charge for 9 students is Rs. 2400, and for 16 students, it is Rs. ...
Monthly income of A and B is Rs. (x + 1500) and Rs. x, respectively. If monthly income of A is increased by 12.5% while that of B is decreased by 25% th...
Suyash have total amount of Rs.3200 out of which, he spent 35% on food, 45% of the rest on travelling. Out of remaining amount he spends Rs.540 on misce...
In an assessment, Harsh scored 38 marks less than Simran. Simran scored 28 more marks than Alok. Kunal scored 100 marks which is 23 marks more than Hars...
270 candidates appeared for an examination, of which 252 passed. The pass percentage is :
...If the sales tax be reduced from 3(1/2) % to 3(1 /3) % what difference does it make to a person who purchases an article whose marked price is 4,200?