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Total number of male models promoting Mango is 25% more than the total number of female models promoting ZARA. If the total number of models promoting M...
Find the average number of bags sold by shop A, B, D and E together.
If 45% of students who apply for Graduation in 2015 are girls and ratio of girls who applied for Graduation in 2015 to the girls who applied for post Gr...
If in year 2014, 20% of students who applied for Post Graduation also applied for Graduation then the numbers of students who apply only for Graduation ...
What is respective ratio of the number of males in Dehradun and females in Lucknow together to the number of males in Pune and females in Chandigarh tog...
In July, Fire-Boltt manufactured 150 defective smart watches. The ratio between defective smart watches by Fire-Boltt and Noise in July is 3:4. Find the...
How many students have obtained 70 or more marks in at least one of the five subjects?
If ratio of male to female employee promoted from PNB is 9 : 7, then find difference between male and female employee promoted from PNB?
If 20% of students disqualified for the exam from city A in 2018 and 26% from city D in 2019, then how many students had been disqualified for the exam ...
If the number of red pens sold by shopkeeper ‘F’ is 20% less than the average number of red pens sold by shopkeeper A and B, then find the number of...