निम्नलिखित मूल वाक्य और इसके दो संभावित अनूदित वाक्यों पर विचार कीजिये :
मूल वाक्य : Political stability and strong administration are essential and helpful in economic growth.
अनूदित वाक्य 1. आर्थिक संवृद्धि में राजनीतिक स्थिरता तथा मजबूत प्रशासन अनिवार्य तथा सहायक है।
अनूदित वाक्य 2 . राजनीतिक स्थिरता तथा मजबूत प्रशासन आर्थिक संवृद्धि में अनिवार्य तथा सहायक है।
उपर्युक्त में स इ कौन से /कौन सा वाक्य अनुवाद सही है ?
The correct answer is C
The juvenile hormone in insects is secreted by which organ?
For Magnesium deficiency determination, plant that is used as indicator plant _________________________ .
Which of the following crop is used for flax and oil both?
Study of communities is known as
The land use system involving trees combined with crops and/or animals is called
The principal photosynthetic pigment in blue-green algae is
Water level recording is done by
"Golden Rice" refers to the rice rich in:
The first transgenic crop approved for cultivation was
Enzyme that fixes CO₂ in C4 plants at Iow concentrations?