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The correct answer is D
Which Five-Year Plan in India was mainly focussed on Garibi Hatao, creation of employment opportunities and agricultural production amongst other objec...
Who among the following is the first Indian woman to win a Gold Medal in the Asian Games?
Who has produced the indigenous LCA fighter jets Tejas?
On which date do the global community and India celebrate 'World EV Day' to promote sustainable transportation and a cleaner future, free of carbon e...
The BRICS Bank would have its headquarter in?
Consider the following statements:
1. Population change in an area is an important indicator of economic development of that region.
2. Po...
When was the Lucknow Pact Signed by the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress?
In which of the following years was the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act passed?
Which state has topped among the list of large states as per the State Energy & Climate Index-Round 1 on 11th April 2022?
Which of the following is NOT a tributary of Krishna?