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Determine the 6052nd term in the series 5,5,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,9,9,11,….
Find the number of zeroes in the end of 160!
If the expression (px3 + x2 - 2x - q) is divisible by (x-1) and (x + 1), what are the values of
p and q respectively ?
How many Zeros can be formed by multiplying 10 times; 20 times; 30 times; 40 times; ...............times; 2000?
The difference between a number and its three fifth is 50. What is the number?
The sum of two distinct positive natural numbers is 246, and their difference is 34. Calculate 10% of the product of these two numbers.
What is the value of 1² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 9² ................ 19²?
Find the value of 6 + 66 + 666 + 6666 +hellip;hellip;hellip;hellip;.. + n terms.
1. `(2)/(3) ((10 xx (10^(n)- 1))/9 - n)`
Consider a three-digit number where the middle digit (tens place) is 3. If the digits in the hundreds and ones places are swapped, the new number become...