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सामिष का अर्थ होता हैं मांस से युक्त
उसका विलोम होगा निरामिष जिसका अर्थ होता हैं मांसरहित
Transfer of right to enjoy an immovable property in consideration of price is known as:
Which of the following cases upheld ‘secularism’ as a basic feature of the Indian Constitution even before the word ‘secular’ was inserted in t...
What can a company formed under the Companies Act, which has no significant accounting transactions and is intended for a future project or asset holdin...
What are the various ground on the basis of which RBI may cancel a licence granted to a banking company?
What is the next appellate body as per SEBI Act, 1992?
What are the characteristic features of a company?
Bentham has authored which of the following book?
Z's will contains these words: "I direct that all my remaining property be equally divided between 'A', 'B'& C."'A' dishonestly scratches out B's name, ...
Which of the following is not considered a corporate person under Indian law?
A sessions court requires permission of High Court to pass _______?