इस क्रम में वाक्यों में अनाजो की गुणवत्ता के बारे में बात की गयी हैं इसलिए सही क्रम 4,2,3,1
The process of finding hidden structure in unlabeled data is called
What is the SI unit of electric potential difference?
Which routing protocol is commonly used within an autonomous system (AS) to determine the best path for data packets?
The SI unit for measuring electric potential is:
What is the main disadvantage of RAID 10 (RAID 1+0) in a DBMS?
Which part of RDBMS handles concurrency control to ensure multiple transactions operate concurrently without conflicts?
DNS client adds suffix atc.jhda.edu. before passing address to the
What are the three main components of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT)?
In time series forecasting, what does MAE stand for?
Which one of the following statements is FALSE?