मोहन पत्र लिखता है और श्याम पढता है। इसमें कौन सा अव्यय है ?
समुच्चय का अर्थ होता है जोड़ने वाला, इसी कारन इसे योजक भी कहते हैं। ये शब्दो , उपवाक्यों, तथा वाक्यों को जोड़ने का काम करते हैं या पृथक भी करते हैं ,इसने और, अथवा, या, बल्कि, इसलिए आदि शब्द देखने को मिलते हैं ।
Azolla is used in cultivation of:
Which one of the following is not a measure to reduce the risk?
What will be the colour reaction with iodine of a plant kept in dark for few days?
Accepted ways of behavior in society are:
What is the name of the improved variety of the national flower Lotus with 108 petals, launched by CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute?
According to soil taxonomy medium black soils are grouped in _______ order.
Which test is used when sample size is large (>30) and population standard deviation is known?
Transpiration and translocation are two major plant growth processes associated with
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Mica and biotite are the secondary minerals but also act as primary minerals.
Quickest method of developing lawn is by