वार्षिक शब्द में तद्धित प्रत्यय इक का प्रयोग हुआ है ,संज्ञा ,सर्वनाम और विशेषण के अंत में लगने वाले प्रत्यय को तद्धित प्रत्यय कहते हैं।
Cut or excised leaves remain green for long if induced to root or dipped in_____
The type of inheritance in which a sex linked gene is inherited from grandfather to grandson through daughter is called as
How much percent of alcohol does a fermented liquid wash contains?
Which river basin cover the largest surface water irrigation in India?
What does a more elastic curve signify in terms of price and quantity consumed?
Which acid is the manufacture of synthetic rubber?
What is the optimum temperature range for germination of wheat seed ?
Which part of the insect's body is often fused with the head to form the cephalothorax?
Which of the following is not possible?
Chromosome number of diploid rice is