'वाह! वाह! 'हर्षबोधक' अव्यय है। ऐसे शब्द जिसमें लिंग, वचन, पुरुष, कारक आदि के कारण कोई विकार उत्पन्न नहीं होता वह शब्द अव्यय कहलाते हैं। अव्यय सदैव अपरिवर्तित, अविकारी रहते हैं। अव्यय के भेद • 1. क्रिया-विशेषण अव्यय • 2. संबंधबोधक अव्यय • 3. समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय • 4. विस्मयबोधक अव्यय • 5. निपात अव्यय. हर्षबोधक विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय वह अव्यय शब्द, जिनसे उत्साहवर्धक भावना का बोध होता है, उन्हें 'हर्षबोधक विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय' कहते है
Corporate cannot issue Commercial Papers
Under which act was the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) established?
The research center of INDIA “HIMADRI” is located at?
Who had scaled the Mount Denali and became the youngest Indian female to do so?
Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state of India?
How many women are expected to benefit from Odisha’s Subhadra Yojana by 2028-29?
Sultan Qaboos bin Said of ________, the Arab world’s longest-serving ruler and with a reputation for quiet diplomacy passed away recently (2020).
Which Indian state is home to Bannerghatta National Park?
Which is the highest peak in the Western Ghats?
Which of the following statements accurately describe Jute cultivation in India?
(I) Jute is a Rabi crop
(II) Jute crop requires humid cli...