जिस संज्ञा शब्द से पदार्थों की अवस्था , गुण-दोष , भाव या दशा , धर्म आदि का बोध हो उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । यथा- बुढ़ापा , मिठास , बचपन , मोटापा , चढ़ाई , थकावट इत्यादि। दिए गये विकल्पों में ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' वाक्य भाव को व्यक्त कर रहा है। इससे यह स्पष्ट हो रहा है कि किस प्रकार धूप के तेज़ से गर्मी बढ़ रही है जिससे कि चलने में तकलीफ़ होती है। अतः ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' सही विकल्प है।
In a school with 400 students, the average of the age of the boys is 16 years and that of the girls is 12 years. If the average age of the school is 14 ...
5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 40 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between t...
Amit achieved a score of 28% in an exam but fell short by 42 points to pass. Rahul, on the other hand, secured 41% in the same test and exceeded the pas...
Average of 8 numbers is 25. If average of first four and last two numbers is 15 and 40, respectively then find the fifth number given that ratio of fift...
In a family of 10, the men eat on average 70kg of food and women eat on an average 45kg of food. The men and women are equal in number. A woman j...
In a cricket match the captain of one of a team scored 24 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining 7 batsmen of that team who batted in t...
If average weight of a class is ‘y’ kg. If a new student weighing 21 kg took admission, then the average weight is increases by 1 kg. If the...
The average cost price of 14 pens (having equal cost price) decreased by Rs.2, when one of the pen is replaced by a new pen having cost price of Rs.80. ...
Average of 8 numbers is 70. If average of first four and last two numbers is 80 and 45, respectively then find the fifth number given that ratio of fift...