वर्ण उस मूल ध्वनि को कहते हैं , जिसके खंड या टुकड़े नहीं हो सकते । भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई ध्वनि है और इस ध्वनि को 'वर्ण ' कहते है। अ , इ , क् , ख् इत्यादि
As laid down under the Banking Regulation Act no banking company shall have in its Board of directors, ______________directors who are directors of comp...
According to the Industrial Relations Code what is the maximum number of members allowed on the Grievance Redressal Committee, and what is the requireme...
According to the Contract Act what is the legal status of an agreement in which the parties agree to perform an act that is inherently impossible?
Appeals filed before Securities Appellate Tribunal to be disposed within ___________ from the date of receipt of appeal.
As per IPC who are the people who are not liable when working in their official capacities?
As per Art. 348 of the Indian Constitution, language of Supreme Court and High Court shall be-
The recognized Stock Exchanges are required to maintain and preserve its Returns related to its affairs, in prescribed manner, for a period of ______.
Which of the following are the exception to section 499 of the IPC which lays down provisions relating to defamation?
It was held that the dying declaration made through signs, gestures or by nods are admissible as evidence, in the case of?
Who conducts audit of the Finance and Appropriation accounts prepared by the Controller General of Accounts?