Continue with your mobile number
In this question, three statements are given, followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to ...
Statements: No data is a number.
Some numbers are not letters.
Only letters are consonants.
Conclusions: I. All letters may be co...
All Dell are nokia.
Only Nokia are Samsung.
Only Dell are Xiomi.
Only Nokia are Vivo.
Some P are Q
Only a few R are S.
Only a few S are T.
Only S are P.
Statement : Some copies are pens.
No diary is a copy
All pens are scales.
Conclusion :I. At least some copies are definitel...
Some roses are sunflowers.
Some sunflowers are lotus.
Conclusions:Some Tables can be Chair. Some Chairs being Sticks is a possibility. Some Walls can be Chairs.
Only a few Parrot is Birds
All Birds is Sparrow.
Some Sparrow is Kiwis.
I. All Spar...
Statements: All writers are lyricists.
Some lyricists are singers.
Conclusions: I. Some writers are singers.
II. Some writers are...
Only Bike is Car.
Some Bike are Cheap.
Only a few Cheap are Heavy.
All Heavy are Expensive.