The average age of three friends Maya, Nirmal, and Raju is 27 years. The age ratio of Nirmal to Raju is 9:5, and Maya is 11 years...
The average age of Rohit’s parents is 42 years. The ratio of his father and mother’s age is 4 : 3 respectively. Find his mother’s age?
The current ages of P and Q are in the ratio of 8:5. The ratio of P's age seven years ago to Q's age ten years from now is 5:6. W...
2n years ago, the age of Rahul was four times that of his son and n years ago, the age of Rahul was thrice that of his son. If n years later, the sum of...
The ratio of age of A and his son is 9:2. If the difference of their ages 7 year ago is 21, then find the sum of ages of A and his son 13 year hence?
Present age of ‘A’ is 40% more than that of ‘B’. If 10 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 4 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of ...
Present average age of A, B and C together is 44 years. Age of B is 12 Years hence from now will be 260% more than age of A. Four years ago from now ...
8 years ago, the average age of a family of six persons was 50 years. In between these 8 years the family adopted a girl. Now at present the average age...
The ratio of the present ages of P and Q is 7:4 respectively. If the age of P 13 years hence from now will be 125% more than the age of Q 4 years ago fr...
The present ages of 'A' and 'B' are in the ratio of 3:7. The difference between their current ages is 12 years. How much percent older will 'B' be than...