पर्यायवाची : अकसर, अक्सर, अधिकतर, अधिकांशतः, अधिकांशतया, अनेकधा, आमतौर पर, आमतौर से, ज़्यादातर, ज्यादातर, प्रायशः, बहुत करके, बहुधा
1. Recently, on the economic front, India, after 2014, has taken steps like relying greatly on big businesses and privatisation so as to fix economies, ...
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
The chef prepared a gourmet meal for the guests, impressing everyone wi...
Select the correctly punctuated sentence from the options below.
Choose the correct statement as your answer.
Choose the correct combination of grammatically incorrect sentences
I. The rise of digital technologies and the growth of e-commerce have tran...
Choose the part of the sentence which contains an error. If no error, choose option, ‘No error’
Even more useful is that anyone with a soun...
Antonym (Most opposite meaning) of the word CELESTIAL is
S1: One of the ironies of the Indian economy's consistent under-performance is that it has been planned.
S6: As planning prospered, regional imba...
If every countries start taking (A)/ the law into its own hands , (B)/the legitimacy at a rule-based international order, (C)/which is already at a low...
Were the politicians to assess themselves, they would find that they have lost their credibility long back?