'नैसर्गिक' का अर्थ हैं प्राकृतिक उसका विलोम शब्द होगा कृत्रिम जिसका अर्थ होता हैं बनावटी अनुर्वर का अर्थ हैं जो उपजाऊ न हो आविर्भाव का अर्थ हैं प्रकट होना प्राकृत का अर्थ हैं प्रकृति से उत्पन्न या प्रकृति संबंधी
Rengma is primarily a folk dance of ______.
Who is the recipient of First Prof. P C Mahalanobis Award in Official Statistics for lifetime achievement?
The Hollongi Airport is located in which of the following states?
Consider the following statements in reference to the Gogona musical instrument of India
1. It is the most simple and smallest Indian rural mu...
What is the full form of PMGKY?
Fluency in such patients can be incorporated into the speech of such patients through
How many Indian Private Sector Insurance companies are dealing with reinsurance in India?
'Rang Ghar', one of Asia's oldest amphitheatres, was built by the king of the ______ dynasty.
According to the 2011 Census of India, which state has the highest population in India?
Which of the following statements is /are correct in the context of The Jammu and Kashmir Official Languages Bill, 2020.
1. The Bill was for th...