तिमिर के सभी पर्यायवाची शब्द तम, अंधकार, अंधेरा, तमिस्त्रा। प्रकाश का पर्यायवाची – प्रदीप, चमक, ज्योति, उजियाला, पदीप्ती, रोशनी, कान्ति, आलोक, उजाला, दीप्ति, छवि, सुषमा,आभा, प्रभा, छटा, द्युति। 'रात्रि' के अन्य पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - रैन, रजनी, यामिनी, तमी, निशि, त्रियामा, विभावरी, क्षणदा, शर्वरी, रात आदि। सूर्य के पर्यायवाची शब्द - दिनकर, दिवाकर, भानु, भास्कर, आक, आदित्य, दिनेश, मित्र, मार्तण्ड, मन्दार, पतंग, विहंगम, रवि, प्रभाकर, अरुण, अंशुमाली और सूरज भगत।
The average age of a family of 3 members is 36 years. If the father’s age is 10 years more than the mother’s age, and the age of the son is 4 years ...
An English-based company has 625 men and 625 female employees in a collaborative project. The average attendance of all employees is 74 calls per day. O...
The average monthly fee of all 45 students in a class is Rs. 9,500. After an increment, the new monthly average fee of each student becomes Rs. (9500 + ...
The average cost of three chairs is Rs.10000. The average cost decrease by 12% when one more chair is included. What is the cost price of the 4th
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 75. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 100 students is reduced...
Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I and II. Read the information clearly and answer your questions accordingly.
Average weight of a team of 8 persons is 50 kg. When one more person joins the team, the average weight of the team increases by 7 kg. Find the weight o...
The average age of P, Q, and R is 22 years. Two years ago, the sum of the ages of P and Q was 5 years less than the age of R. Find the present age of R.
The average number of sweets distributed in a class of 25 students is 6. If ‘x’ number of students newly joined the class and the average becomes 5,...
Average of four numbers is 27. Sum of smallest and largest number is 56. If difference between other two numbers is 2, then find the square of second sm...