आविर्भाव ' का अर्थ - प्रकट होना , जन्म होना , उत्पत्ति।इसका विलोम शब्द होगा तिरोभाव
जिसका अर्थ हैं अदृश्य हो जाना , अदर्शन।
Water harvesting is defined as
The term oligopoly means:
Mawsynram, the place with the highest rainfall in India is located in:
Which of the following bodies does not provide scientific advice to Codex?
Pusa Deepali is a variety of:
What is repo rate?
Which one of the following instrument measures Fiber fineness?
Eriosoma lanigerum, Woolly aphid, is an important pest in which of the following?
Pest which occurs in isolated locations is known as
Post harvest losses in foodgrain comprises of what percent of the total grain loss?