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अग्नि, विशेष्य है। इसका विशेषण आग्नेय है। इसी प्रकार आसीन, मधुर तथा कर्मठ विशेषण हैं, इनके विशेष्य क्रमशः आसन, मधु और कर्म हैं।
Who among the following person stays on flat no. 2 of floor no. 5?
Who among the following has lower price bike than U?
Who among the following is designated as CGM?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and hence form a group. Find the one that doesn’t belong to that g...
Who was born on Wednesday?
Seven persons R, S, T, U, V, W, and X are born on seven different days of the week starting from Monday but not necessarily in the same order. Three per...
Which of the following box is placed two boxes above box D in the same stack?
How many persons booked the ticket between U and R?
On which floor and in which flat does G lives?
Five articles, K, L, P, R and T, are kept one above the other (not necessarily in the same order). K is just above T and just below R. L is just above P...