'ऐसी जीविका जिसका कुछ ठीक-ठीकाना न हो' के लिए एक शब्द 'आकाशवृत्ति' प्रयुक्त होता है। आकाश कुसुम: आकाश कुसुम होना मुहावरे का अर्थ है नामुमकिन कार्य होना। आकाश सलिल :लोक अमृत की धार' है, आकाशफल:संतान।
Holometabolous development is found in _______:
The basic cell membrane structure consists of …………….. and ………………… in the animal cell of an organism.
...Durgapur kesar is an important variety of ________________ .
Which is the following nutrient is responsible for the seed germination and flowering in plants?
When the leaflets are joined together at a common point at the petiole, the type of leaf is
Family of Sarpagandha (Rouvolfia serpentiana) and its use/property are
Mitosis occurs between:
Chitin is present in the cell wall of
Who introduced tobacco cultivation in India?
Plant hormone of nucleotide origin