अशुद्ध वर्तनी 'निरापराध' है, इसका शुद्ध रूप 'निरपराध' होगा ।
Which of the following combinations is correct?
Who among the following lives on floor numbered 5?
What is the position of Z with respect to O?
Eight persons, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y, sit around a square table and faces towards the centre of the table. Four of them sit at the corner of the tab...
Who among the following person sits third from the right end?
Five boys P, Q, R, S, T are sitting in a circle facing inside. P is facing South-West, S is facing South-East, Q and T are right opposite P and S respec...
Who among the following sits opposite to O?
If P is related to Kanpur, S is related to Jaipur in the given arrangement, Following the same pattern how is U related to ?
Seven persons are sitting in a row. L is sitting with O and Q, N is sitting with Q and R, who is sitting with N and P and O is sitting with M and L. Who...
Which of the following pair of persons are immediate neighbours?